Thursday, June 02, 2005


Why is the the only thing worse then being worked to death NOT HAVING A JOB?

Well here we are 1 month and a few days into the off school season and here I am STILL without a job. Some good leads mind you but no action :( It is seriously messed how one can put out that many applications and I just got my first and only rejection letter yesterday.

It really puts into perspective how much work is necessary for the human spirit. I have taken up hiking and even increased my volunteer hours, but having a place to go and a purpose towards my goal of finishing school is what keeps me driving forward.

I've considered that something is saying wait for now, but the nagging feeling of purpose makes me feel blah. What should I do? What can I do? Grrr what more is there to do? I hope that we will be an answer soon, but hey I take it in stride. Just wish the ones I love understood my frustration and would quit building on it.

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