Friday, May 11, 2007


Life is Hard

Life is hard and that is why I made this blog. I wanted to discuss the difficulties we all face as we go through life. I have grand plans and to be honest they are all doable but right now I'm in financial straights until my pride, my luck, or just some crazy wild thing changes.

As it goes my parent's house will be sold by months end (though they seem to struggle with getting people through the door, as hard up as I am about losing the house I grew up in I am absolutely devostated for my parents and want the best for them and for this sale to happen). That being said I will be homeless and dumpster diving and living in a cardboard box doesn't appeal to me. I've now put out about 7 resumes in my field of education (youth or psychology training), 4 in banks, and a few into minimum wage positions. Following up regularly and looking at job boards is starting to depress me. To make matters worse I have a job interview to deliver papers (as if this process isn't humiliating enough).

I have a place to stay the moment I land a job (any job). And then I can turn my attention from myself to why I came back to Williams Lake (where I grew up) to start developing support groups of outreach for 15-25 year olds. Its not I haven't started, infact I'm in the office of probably my biggest supporters right now writing this during my lunch hour. My buddy Corwin rocks and I have no idea how you stay focussed with the faith to know it will be alright while knowing it is all alright as you purpose, plan, prepare, and work out the areas in your heart you know to be true.

Blah, money money money I don't care about it but my life always comes back to it. There are so many other things I would love to focus on over and above this burden. If there will be provision let reveal itself; if I need to work harder may the guilt necessary to push me harder come.

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