Thursday, February 17, 2005


Are the Angels Shaking their Heads Yet?

The Bible says "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" (Psalm 98:4) but today I heard sounds that must even stretch the ears of heaven. People with no gift of singing being led by a rookie choir leader and trying to sing the Hallelujah Chorus. Please note the key there was trying and it was - on the ears, funny bone, and ankle (I got kicked for laughing too hard).

I've always wondered how God responds when we "try" as did the choir today. The Angels, they've got to be thinking incrediously yet again "God you chose them over us!?!" and Jesus we know is laughing Himself silly at the right hand of God because He spent time as one of us and understands the concept of "trying". But God what does he think?

[I guess I've chosen a theological discussion here and we could argue the nature of God, but I will stay with what I've read in the Bible and stay true to the character throughout the Old Testiment and continued into the New.]

The highest power on this planet and universe, created the stars in the sky, and gave us breath (and honestly could take it away if he felt we were being blaphemous in our attempt). This is the Alpha and Omega who someday will bring judgement, but today is looking for who will be obedient as they go through the struggles of life. So what did God see today? I think God saw us as a parent watching His kids running and playing and running to and fro. Unlike the insecure parent who runs out and corrects how they play, He sits back and watches with a tear in His eye knowing "I created that! Thank you for being obedient choir, thank you for worshipping Me!"


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