Monday, February 21, 2005


Have you ever given the devil a time out?

I think that a developing relationship with God involves not only learning to listen to God and talk to God and to act upon His words but it also involves learning to listen and respond to the devil and to learn how to talk to him with authority.

As part of my spiritual cleaning I have decided that I will not just sit back and allow the influences in my life to be devestating. As the Holy Spirit guides me in spiritual warfare against satan, part of it is as simple as laying down the rules. As a soldier in God's army I have been given his authority in the name Jesus Christ, and therefore all spirits and demons and the devil have to obey. "Pack up your bags and go satan, for you do not have any territory, you are weak and God is strong and it is with his authority that I call you out of my life. Bring with you all the luggage that you have spilled into my life with, take away all the emotions that you are trying to control in my life or influence."

Freedom is so great, we have been set free!!! But wait, it doesn't stop there, does it? We have not only been given an opportunity to be free but also to have a changed life that involves in the exclusion of the devil and his schemes and replaced with the love of Christ. Prayer is essential tool for this, I do not think that it is smart to go in battle before the devil, as we are weak, without first putting on the armor of God, and praying with God to lead you and for the spirit to come with you where you go.

With these tactics you will become a warrior of light, that shines into the darkest of places, the darkness incapable of escaping the light. It is there that you light a candle, so that you are not just spreading the authority of Christ into all aspects of your life but you are also setting up his authority where your walls are low and your ways are weak. The devil want's nothing more than to sneak in and hide under a carpet growing until the problem is overwhelming. But he cannot go where the light of God shines brightly.

So to be fully equipped for war it is important to hold tightly the sword of the spirit, and be fully suited with the rest of the godly armor on, learning the ways of the enemy, how he moves; how he acts; what his motives are; how he manifests; and how and where he hides. There is no greater victory for a warrior then to know his opponents next move and how to respond diligently to not only counter but to strike down any other possible attacks that may be up his sleeve. Know your enemy and more importantly know your God, know that: He is soverign; He will not leave you nor forsake you; He holds authority over all things in the universe (including you) and no one can stand up to His great and wonderous power; and know that he has passed all of this greatness into our hands (as a tool, he still holds the power recognize this isn't our power).

So if you ever feel like things are just way too hard and you keep falling and can't seem to get out of a funk then consider spiritual warfare. Like armies in the physical you have strength in numbers so have an acountability group, but put the devil in his the dust.

Reminds me of my favorite verse of one of my favorite songs as a child...

And if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack. OUCH!
Sit on a tack-OUCH
Sit on a tack. And if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack. OUCH
Sit on a tack to stay!!!!

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