Friday, February 25, 2005



I tell you, I have been so down-in-the-dumps lately...over some relationship stuff I won't go over here because I could go on all week about it.

So I've been sitting here eating soft peppermints (my mom bought a HUGE tub of them for Christmas, and they're everywhere), and knitting. And I do feel better because I LOVE those peppermints, and I love knitting. Well I love crochet, and I'm learning to love knitting.

Who needs boys when you have peppermints and happy yellow yarn?!-oh, that's another topic, sorry. =)

ANYWAY, I've been thinking, "Laura, God has really given you some wonderful talents. But what really brings you joy is making these things with your hands-creating things that you like and can use, and that (hopefully) others do, and can too." (I make a lot of gifts.)

If I decided to crochet (and knit, and maybe paint t-shirts ;) ) for the rest of my days, would that be a waste of my other talents? Would I be ignoring the other God-given things I could be using to bring glory to Him?

I want to praise God with my intelligence, and my studies, and what I can do with those things and the influence they bring. And I do enjoy learning (as opposed to studying, hehe). But I just don't find much joy or fulfillment in that. Besides, I find it too easy to become conceited when I do well academically, anyway.

So what if I gave all that up and started giving crochet lessons down at the local arts & crafts store? I certainly want to use any talents I have to praise God and point others to Him, but would it be wiser for me to spend more time on my lesser talents that make me happier or focus on what I'm just better at?

Yeah. I guess I don't really have a strong sense of a particular calling. That makes it difficult.

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