Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Too Busy to Remember?

Ever notice how much guys just suck at communication? I have - I notice every time I go to talk to someone how handicapped I am for the job of just talking. I talk TOO much. In fact I've found listening to be a most excellent adventure as it eliminates the amount of stupidity that leaves my mouth. I’ve also found the adventure of hearing other people’s hearts as the words they know are placed before me. But straight up communication is the key to any relationship whether a guy friend a girlfriend or even yes God.

I truthfully am a burnout prayer. I only pray when I'm asked to pray for something otherwise I don’t pray unless I'm burned out on life. It seems to be the only time I allow myself to sit there and let the words of Yahweh minister to me. Often they are quite simple things like "I like you Jason and I've called you here just to spend time in my presence." It’s sad it has come to that because it’s like I've given God permission to trip me up in my busyness instead of just realizing I need time for Him. This is a cyclic disaster that I know must change.

My expectation for “I Am” is like that of Adam at the fall and is routinely baited into believing I do this without God. I take a God-like attitude in my life forcing me into pushing Jesus out and causing my walk to need to restart at each God encounter. I've heard it said "When you do what you always do, you get what you always get" and this must be what squashes my expectation. If I cannot get my priorities with Elohim right and keep my expectations high, how good of a friend am I with communicating with those who need me and expecting goodness for them. The routine of life lives me and I become robbed of time, stop thinking and expect very little of life and God and friends. I need a Sabbath living, God relationship, friend loving heart and then remember how to work efficiently...

K you guys can talk too! ;) Thank you for being here and sharing your ideas. I treasure you all friends!

Keep sharing your hearts and we'll come corporately to a better understanding of faith, life, and living as a broken incomplete person.

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