Tuesday, March 15, 2005


When it rains it pours-but that's not necessarily bad

I'm not sure if I have a lot to say today. But I was just thinking about how much God's been dealing with me in the past week. So many things all at once.

*A person (maybe 2) I need to forgive.
*Things in my life that I need to let God be in control of.
*People I should be more sensitive to and respectful of differences.
*The body of Christ-I keep talking about it, but am I living it?
*That I need to be more supportive (or show my support more, rather) of my pastor and church leaders...they do SO need encouragement.
*That I need to be more involved in church.
*That I need to be more involved in worship (difficult as that may be given some circumstances right now).

God's still working on me. It's good to know, because it doesn't always feel like it. Why so many things all at once, though? I really don't know-maybe to get my mind off other things. At any rate, I'm glad for the opportunity for growth. Goodness knows I need it.


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