Tuesday, March 20, 2007


28 Days into a 40 day Fast

Today was a very hard day for me. I had to face my worst enemy in all my addictions and bad habits - myself. Whew! Credential interviews today and I did okay, but lots caught me off guard. I guess when I did my pretest I misread the multiple choice and where I thought it said circle the best choice it meant to circle all that applied, so they retook me through the ENTIRE multiple choice section. When we were done there the rest is a blur as we got into the personal side of my life. I think I did okay but being done 5 minutes early was a tad unnerving compared to the standard.

Here we are 28 days into a caffein/sarcasm fast. The sarcasm is starting to come under wraps which is tres cool! In a bunch of days (12) I get to have coffee again and I plan to have with the same discretion I might alcohol or cold remedies. Lets put it better - "There's a time and a place for everything under heaven." It will be joyful to be off of this fast, but the experience has been AMAZING.

Now to do the near impossible - WRITE PAPERS!

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I think I'm about due for a coffee fast myself. Although socializing and procrastinating in general would probably be more fitting. Life's a blur when you have too much cafiene and not enough thinking time. Probably all the above

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