Saturday, January 05, 2008


Clutter and the Unnecessary

Clutter we all have it. A book I was reading described clutter as "every encumbrance and that which so easily entangles us". Wowzers I'm in trouble. There is so much I have let into my life in the ways of papers and clutter I cannot even move around my apartment or through my storage space downstairs.

Tomorrow I shall seek to reduce what I have so when those who I know come over they can visit without tripping over all I have collected over the years (and quite truthfully what my parents have collected for me). I downsized twice before moving into my apartment, but still there is all this STUFF I just don't need. Books from courses I have kept only because I liked a page or it helped me to feel smart for an accomplishment or 2 along the way during my education; clothing I haven't worn in over a year and truthfully only have because someone gave them to me and I don't want to offend; gadgets I might use some day (oh no I'm sounding like my father and grandfather... can I claim genetics on this slight struggle?).

There are also, I hate to admit it, vices I have all over my place. Pictures of girlfriends long gone; books I only have to look smart (I confessed that already); magazines from hockey and technology; school and government material over 8 years old; papers upon papers of useless facts. Tomorrow I shall be visiting both dumpster and recycling bins for most of the day and I celebrate about the idea of freedom from the unnecessary in my materialistic past and the opportunity to experience the joy of SPACE. To down size and move in my room again - what an awesome, amazing thought. :)


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