Monday, January 07, 2008


Finding Myself in the Junk!

Well I brought down a box full of garbage to the trash today worth of miscellaneous papers and junk and I've barely made a dent out of my boxes and amassed junk.

I threw out 5 of 7 discs of stored information and downsized that info again to less than 1 CD writable worth of information. So not only have I in my efforts to downsize reduced what I have I've been able to reorganize all together. Small 14" LCD monitor or Big Bertha sized 15" flat screened monitor with speakers - I took the LCD. I now have a desk and a plan of attack for the papers on my desk I have to deal with. There we have a living room (except for the garbage box in the middle and the boxes lining the back of the dining room table). My guests will die of shock when they see the improvements around here.

Pulling 1 piece of luggage, putting away 1 pile of dirty laundry and moving 1 box enabled me to see the first 5' of room space in over a month in my room. Looking towards the window there are not as many boxes as I remembered (but never could look to do a real count because of the clutter). The storage room isn't as bad as I remembered either, but still it will be work.

So, there you have it. In 4 days I was able to do what I haven't been able to do since July and that is find our living room; plan my next few months; downsize the amount of junk around the computer desk; organize my computer files; get the computer's RAM functioning to maximum capacity; set up a cleaning schedule for the apartment; setup a grocery shopping list system that works and keeps our costs focussed; figure out where my finances need to be focussed for the next 2 months. Okay, I did not get the letters of support done, but I now have the space to sit down and finish them tomorrow morning. The first run to the thrift store with material is tomorrow and I might feel remorseful after parting with items then but for now I celebrate in the gigabytes of information deleted, kilograms of paper recycled, and square footage I now can say exists on my desk, in my living room, and one can experience when they first enter the apartment.


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