Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Relaxation? What Relaxation?

What do you do to relax? I have a nice cup of tea on a comfy chair while letting my mind fade into the world and let my temporary worries slip away.....

Okay, now we have left the fantasy world for a second - this 1) doesn't work well or 2) for very long. I have found anxiety can over take me VERY easily if I do not take steps to have control of my life. And these don't always work because I have a hard time saying no to friends and even there they want help or advice. I'm very glad I've come to the realization my advice giving isn't a permanent solution, so listening becomes the priority. Of course listening takes time, so the chance to sit on a chair and sip tea is all but gone now. Besides blanking out during conversations with friends or clients (both are not very appreciative when that happens for some reason), time to myself is a hard thing to do without a personal hobbie.

I recently found a new way to relax. Believe it or not gratefulness. As I read, clean, spend time with friends, work, sleep, walk, drive, listen I am grateful. There are any of a dozen reasons to be miserable at a given moment and my friends are precious to me. As this has happened the particular like of who I call a friend has doubled. My needs and wants have decreased amazingly too. I apologize to all who thought I was evoking some sort of torture as I started downsizing my life and stuff, its VERY rewarding. I've learned much about myself during such a period and I can see it will be a longer process than I first thought since I am not just macro downsizing but micro downsizing as I reorganize and reprioritize each issue.

A wise book says:
Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Imagine that contentment=relaxation. I know some of you will fight me on this and I am sure there is more to this than just being grateful; but here it is me being relaxed.

I like it. I think that contentment has a lot to do with being relaxed. If you are discontent, then it is hard to be relaxed.

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