Sunday, January 13, 2008


So Who Is I and Where Are My Old Self?

So here we are at 3 in the morning again after another night of contemplating the meaning of life, and my computer still is giving me visions of a slow swinging sledge hammer. But seriously, if I listen to the USA then life is merely my life, my personal freedoms and the chasing after something making me happy. Call me skeptical but um no! Chasing after doctors to guarantee good health; teachers to guarantee intelligence; bosses to guarantee more money; women to guarantee the chance of companionship. In the starting line of one of my favourite songs, "There must be more than this!"

People pursue God in this same manner. If I go to church regularly and pray sometimes and read my Bible, then I should have food on the table; money in the bank; a roof over my head; good health; a good education; lots of things to entertain myself; a gorgeous companion who thinks about me and my well being.... Are you getting sick too?

This week as I deal with my greatest enemy, no not debt collectors; not well meaning fair weather friends; not addictions; not sin nor Satan; but my pride. My need for things to be there the way I want and the way I expect. The need for me to know and control my own destiny when a chance has been put before me. Yes I need to watch out for busyness, time stealers, and things outside of my control. Yes I need to look after my health, to eat well, sleep better, get some exercise, and think positively towards the world.

My life has been put before me to be person focussed, care for those who don't have the chance to gain a foothold and look to grad at life, to share the weight of life if even for just 5 minutes, to befriend the friendless, and encourage the doubters about their ability to succeed. Here I am in Williams Lake, the place of opportunity where teens, single moms, young adults, the religious or non-religious alike all need 1 thing and that is encouragement and support in their day to day lives. A former resident of Williams Lake once said to see a need is evidence enough you are to meet that need.

With the 5 top youth killers in British Columbia being speeding, alcohol related deaths, not wearing proper safety devises (such as seatbelts), child related cancer, drug related, and suicide why do not more people want to come from larger centers. Well the answer is easy - it hurts less to not talk about it. I never thought I'd shed materialism, commercialism, and my pursuits in order to face the problems of the street, but then I also never pictured giving up clothing, computer parts, and old toys for the sake of space and not for monumental gain. This week as we go out, may our eyes be open and alert to the needs we see around us.


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