Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Valentines Day is Tomorrow, So How Does This Affect Singles Like Me?

2 Years ago a friend sent me a "Single Awareness Day" t-shirt from Texas. She and all her friends had been making t-shirts as something to do in their singleness. Tomorrow night is our games night and a friend has told me this being the first year of he being single in some time might be staying home to wallow (in his self pity). I must be one seriously screwed up guy, but as much as I would like to have someone to go broke sharing my love I celebrate this opportunity to share love to those who do not have someone (both my guy friends and girlfriends).

One of my favourite songs (Consuming Fire by Tim Hughes) starts out "There must be more than this!" and I agree there has to. If all we are is the love we share with a significant other then HOW SELFISH ARE WE? The world is screwed and we all may as well pack our bags and wait for the end of the world. Valentines Day like Christmas is another opportunity, a reminder, to share love through the little things we do. This is the first year I am not celebrating Lent in about 3 years, yet I seem to be getting with clarity the need for compassion, social just is a much needed thing we too often want to let slide. Probably the best quote of love I have ever heard was "If you see someone in need and have the means to do something about it, but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God's love? It disappears. And you made it disappear."

Today I was talking with a professor friend of mine at the local university and a colleague of his came by and we exchanged pleasantries. What caught my attention most was her reaction when she heard what I did. I can only imagine all the stereotypes going on in her mind. I can only imagine how counter her expectations of a chaplain/outreach worker I was. I hope there was something there in love - something out of the ordinary - I provided to make her day a better day. Its surreal, but that has been my hope for this year in every encounter.

Tomorrow if you are sitting there and are looking for a reason to get up, start with you have a breath and people need you. There is something in you that can bring joy to someone else in word, thought or deed. It may hurt a little to not be exchanging gifts, sharing a meal, or the all famous Valentine's kiss and trust me you are not alone here at all. What I'm suggesting is maybe it is our duty to go out and share love anyways. Let couples celebrate their day (not giving them an excuse to be negligent of others, but let them enjoy each other on this day) and lets share our love in whatever way we can to a hurting and unloved world.


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